
Advestra advises H.I.G. Capital on the sale of Infinigate to Bridgepoint

H.I.G. Cap­it­al, LLC, a lead­ing glob­al altern­at­ive invest­ment firm with over EUR 35 bil­lion of equity cap­it­al under man­age­ment, announced that an affil­i­ate has signed a defin­it­ive agree­ment to sell Infinig­ate to Bridge­point, an inter­na­tion­al altern­at­ive asset fund man­age­ment group. Infinig­ate is a lead­ing spe­cial­ized value-added dis­trib­ut­or for cyber­se­cur­ity and cloud solu­tions for the SME seg­ment. The trans­ac­tion is sub­ject to clear­ance by the rel­ev­ant anti­trust authorities.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to H.I.G. Cap­it­al in the trans­ac­tion. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Daniel Raun and Anna Capaul (all Cor­por­ate | M&A) as well as Markus Müh­le­mann (Tax).