Financial Services
Banks, insurers, asset managers and other financial institutions evolve in a challenging and changing regulatory environment which puts them under increasing scrutiny, while technology and digitalization put financial institutions and unregulated technology firms at the cross-road between two industries. Our clients can rely on a highly specialized team with many years of experience and profound knowledge of the legal framework and the industries in which financial institutions operate.
We support financial institutions comprehensively from licensing proceedings, ongoing compliance with prudential requirements and rules of conduct, enforcement proceedings before FINMA and other authorities, up to reorganizations or winding-down. We build on our expertise and knowledge of the industry, to advise our clients in transactional matters, from mergers and acquisitions, complex reorganizations to raising regulatory capital in the most effective manner.
We are at the forefront of regulatory developments. We participate actively in the regulatory process, including as experts in parliamentary hearings, expert commissions and other working groups. We were closely involved in the legal and regulatory process that led to the Financial Services Act (FinSA) and the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) and their implementing ordinances. Our advice does not stop at black letter law, but helps our client anticipate regulatory developments.