
Advestra advises fintech company Unifiedpost Group on acquisition of Crossinx

Advestra advised Uni­fied­post Group (Uni­fied­post), a lead­ing European fintech com­pany in cloud-based plat­forms for admin­is­trat­ive and fin­an­cial ser­vices, on its acquis­i­tion of cross­inx GmbH, the lead­ing Ger­man digit­al doc­u­ment exchange pro­vider. The stra­tegic mer­ger of the two fintechs means that the com­bined com­pany can now offer order-to-cash and pro­cure-to-pay end-to-end solu­tions for small busi­nesses, mid-sized com­pan­ies and large enter­prises. Uni­fied­post thus gains access to the entire DACH region as well as Hungary.

The pur­chase price is up to EUR 160 mil­lion, includ­ing earn-out pay­ments of up to EUR 60 mil­lion. Of this amount, EUR 50 mil­lion is ini­tially pay­able in Uni­fied­post shares.

Advestra acted as Swiss Coun­sel on the trans­ac­tion. Lead coun­sel was Link­laters, Frank­furt. The Advestra team con­sisted of Sandro Fehl­mann, Thomas Reut­ter and Annina Ham­mer (all Cor­por­ate | M&A and Fin­an­cial Services).