
Beda Kaufmann joins Advestra as partner

We are pleased to announce that Beda Kaufmann will join Advestra as part­ner as per 1 July 2021. Beda’s prac­tice focuses on advising Swiss and for­eign cor­por­ates as well as private equity and ven­ture cap­it­al firms and oth­er investors on a broad range of M&A trans­ac­tions. He fur­ther advises cli­ents on cor­por­ate law top­ics, includ­ing cor­por­ate restruc­tur­ing, cor­por­ate gov­ernance and all ques­tions related to rais­ing cap­it­al. Pri­or to join­ing Advestra, Beda was an asso­ci­ate at a lead­ing Swiss law firm for six years (includ­ing a second­ment to a magic circle firm in Lon­don) and an in-house leg­al coun­sel at a Swiss pay­ment ser­vices pro­vider. With the arrival of Beda Kaufmann, Advestra fur­ther strengthens its M&A prac­tice and broadens its offer­ing for its cli­ents. We are excited to have Beda on the team!