
Advestra advises the sole global coordinator and sole bookrunner on the placement of CHF 180 million unsecured, subordinated mandatory convertible bonds issued by Peach Property Group

Peach Prop­erty Group AG suc­cess­fully placed CHF 180 mil­lion unse­cured, sub­or­din­ated man­dat­ory con­vert­ible bonds due Decem­ber 2021. The net pro­ceeds will be used to fin­ance the recent acquis­i­tion of 4,300 apart­ments in North Rhine-West­phalia and Bre­men, Ger­many as well as the Com­pany’s fur­ther growth.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Kem­pen & Co. as the sole glob­al coordin­at­or and sole book­run­ner. The team included Sandro Fehl­mann, Thomas Reut­ter and Annina Ham­mer (all Cap­it­al Markets).