
Advestra advises XP Inc. on strategic investment in OHM Research

XP Inc. (XP), a lead­ing Brazili­an invest­ment com­pany lis­ted on Nas­daq, has entered into an agree­ment with OHM Research regard­ing a stra­tegic invest­ment by XP. OHM Research is a sub­scrip­tion-based invest­ment ana­lys­is mar­ket­place with a team of inde­pend­ent pro­fes­sion­als fol­low­ing, among oth­ers, stocks, fixed income, cur­ren­cies and commodities.

Advestra acts as leg­al coun­sel to XP. The team includes Daniel Raun, Rashid Bahar and Anna Capaul (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).