
Advestra advises on the IPO of medmix

The shares of med­mix AG were lis­ted at SIX Swiss Exchange and traded for the first time on 1 Octo­ber 2021 after the spin-off of med­mix from Sulzer AG. In con­nec­tion with the spin-off Spin-off from Sulzer and the list­ing on SIX Swiss Exchange, med­mix AG con­duc­ted a cap­it­al increase rais­ing gross pro­ceeds of approx­im­ately CHF 300 mil­lion. Cred­it Suisse AG and UBS AG acted as Joint Glob­al Coordin­at­ors in this transaction.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Cred­it Suisse and UBS. The team included Annette Weber, Thomas Reut­ter, Fabi­an Loretan and Anna Capaul (all Cor­por­ate and Cap­it­al Mar­kets) and Markus Müh­le­mann (Tax).