
Advestra advises Andermatt Swiss Alps on investment by Vail Resorts

Vail Resorts, Inc. (VR), the world’s largest ski resort oper­at­or, has entered into an agree­ment with Ander­matt Swiss Alps AG (ASA) to invest CHF 149 mil­lion in the Ander­matt-Sedrun des­tin­a­tion. Under the stra­tegic part­ner­ship with ASA, VR will acquire a 55% stake in Ander­matt-Sedrun Sport AG which oper­ates the des­tin­a­tion’s ski resort. The invest­ment will be made through a primary invest­ment of CHF 110 mil­lion for use in cap­it­al invest­ments to enhance the guest exper­i­ence on the moun­tain and a sec­ond­ary share pur­chase from ASA for CHF 39 mil­lion, which will be fully rein­ves­ted into the real estate devel­op­ments in the base area. The trans­ac­tion marks VR’s first stra­tegic decision to invest in, and oper­ate, a ski resort in Europe.

Advestra advises ASA on all leg­al aspects of the trans­ac­tion. The team com­prises Daniel Raun, Anna Capaul, Fabi­an Loretan and Mar­lon Ber­to­lini (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).