
Advestra advises Patrimonium and Credit Suisse on financing the acquisition of Dietzgen Corporation by Sihl

Advestra advised Pat­ri­moni­um Middle Mar­ket Debt Fund (Pat­ri­moni­um) and Cred­it Suisse (Sch­weiz) AG as lenders on the fin­an­cing of the acquis­i­tion of Diet­z­gen Cor­por­a­tion by Sihl, a port­fo­lio com­pany of Equistone, on all mat­ters of Swiss law. GLAS acted as agent.

The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Annina Ham­mer and Anna Capaul (Fin­an­cing) as well as Laurent Ried­weg (Tax).