
Advestra advises Monte Valle Partners on the acquisition of TradeXBank Ltd.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel for Monte Valle Part­ners, an invest­ment firm foun­ded by Amer­ic­an Steph­en P. Lynch, and coordin­ated the leg­al work­stream for the buy­ers group on the acquis­i­tion of TradeXBank Ltd., formerly Sberb­ank (Switzer­land) AG.

Sberb­ank of Rus­sia sold all its shares in Sberb­ank (Switzer­land) AG to m3 Groupe Hold­ing SA after obtain­ing all requis­ite reg­u­lat­ory approvals from FINMA, OFAC and SECO. Fol­low­ing the trans­ac­tion, the bank was renamed TradeXBank Ltd. Under new own­er­ship by Swiss and U.S. share­hold­ers, TradeXBank Ltd. is no longer sub­ject to sanc­tions in Switzer­land, the EU, the UK, and the US. It aims at deploy­ing its expert­ise to renew its com­mod­it­ies trade fin­an­cing busi­ness and improve the dis­rup­ted flow of fer­til­izers and agri­cul­tur­al com­mod­it­ies in Ukraine and the Black Sea Region.

Advestra advised on the acquis­i­tion, includ­ing the reg­u­lat­ory and sanc­tions related aspects of the trans­ac­tion in Switzer­land. The team included Rashid Bahar, Alex­an­der Fisch, Fabi­an Wild, Valer­ie Bayard (all Cor­por­ate| M&A and Fin­an­cial Ser­vices) as well as Thomas Reut­ter, Beda Kaufmann, Daniel Raun, Mar­lon Ber­to­lini and Levy Corba (all Cor­por­ate| M&A).