
Advestra advises PANOLIN on the sale of its ECL business to Shell

Wholly-owned sub­si­di­ar­ies of Shell in Switzer­land, the UK, US and Sweden (Shell (Switzer­land), Shell U.K., Pen­nzoil-Quaker State Com­pany and Shell Avi­ation Sweden) have entered into agree­ments to acquire the Envir­on­ment­ally Con­sid­er­ate Lub­ric­ants (ECLs) busi­ness of the PAN­OLIN Group.

Advestra acts as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to PAN­OLIN in this trans­ac­tion. The team includes Beda Kaufmann, Thomas Reut­ter, Fabi­an Loretan, Levy Corba (all Cor­por­ate | M&A), Laurent Ried­weg, Peter Ried­weg and Jan Selt­mann (Tax).