
Andreas Hinsen joins Advestra as partner

We are pleased to announce that Andreas Hin­sen joins Advestra’s part­ner­ship today.

Andreas’ prac­tice focuses on domest­ic and cross-bor­der M&A trans­ac­tions, cor­por­ate gov­ernance, restruc­tur­ings as well as gen­er­al cor­por­ate and stock exchange laws. Andreas has broad exper­i­ence in private equity and ven­ture cap­it­al and has advised on a wide range of cor­por­ate trans­ac­tions. He also fre­quently advises on gen­er­al cor­por­ate law mat­ters and real estate transactions.

Pri­or to join­ing Advestra, Andreas was part­ner at a lead­ing cor­por­ate law firm in Zurich. His arrival fur­ther enhances and com­ple­ments Advestra’s Cor­por­ate | M&A prac­tice. Great to have you on the team, Andreas!