
Advestra advises Goldman Sachs, Jefferies and ZKB on the placement of green guaranteed senior unsecured convertible bonds of Meyer Burger

Mey­er Bur­ger suc­cess­fully placed EUR 216.3 mil­lion green guar­an­teed seni­or unse­cured con­vert­ible bonds. The bonds were issued by a Ger­man sub­si­di­ary and guar­an­teed by Mey­er Bur­ger Tech­no­logy. The con­vert­ible bonds are con­vert­ible into shares of Mey­er Bur­ger Tech­no­logy. The use of pro­ceeds of the green con­vert­ible bonds will be used in accord­ance with Mey­er Bur­ger­’s green fin­an­cing framework.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Gold­man Sachs, Jef­fer­ies and ZKB. The team included Annette Weber, Sandro Fehl­mann and Valérie Bayard (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).