
Advestra advises Orascom Development Holding on its rights offering

Oras­com Devel­op­ment Hold­ing Ltd suc­cess­fully com­pleted a cap­it­al increase in the amount of CHF 135 mil­lion. The trans­ac­tion con­sisted of an offer­ing of sub­scrip­tion rights and a back­stop com­mit­ment by the major­ity share­hold­er for shares for which sub­scrip­tion rights were not exer­cised. The cash pro­ceeds from the offer­ing will be used to fin­ance cur­rent devel­op­ment pro­jects in Oman, Montenegro and the United King­dom and for gen­er­al cor­por­ate purposes.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Oras­com Devel­op­ment Hold­ing Ltd. The team included Daniel Raun, Anna Capaul, Gök­tuğ Gür­büz and Samuel Fäh (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin and Philip Frey (Tax).