
Advestra advises Catalyst Pharmaceuticals on license to vamorolone and equity investment in Santhera Pharmaceuticals

Cata­lyst Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als, Inc. (Nas­daq: CPRX) has entered into an exclus­ive license agree­ment with San­thera Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als Hold­ing (SIX: SANN) for North Amer­ica for the com­mer­cial­iz­a­tion of vamoro­lone, an invest­ig­a­tion­al drug can­did­ate for the treat­ment of Duch­enne Mus­cu­lar Dys­trophy (DMD) cur­rently under FDA review. Con­cur­rently, Cata­lyst Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als will make a stra­tegic CHF 15 mil­lion equity invest­ment in San­thera Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als, with the pro­ceeds there­of to be used for Phase IV stud­ies in DMD and fur­ther devel­op­ment of addi­tion­al indications.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to Cata­lyst Phar­ma­ceut­ic­als. The team included Daniel Raun, Andreas Hin­sen and Valérie Bayard (M&A | Com­mer­cial) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).