
Advestra advises Zürcher Kantonalbank and the other members of the banking syndicate on the CHF 250 million financing provided to Rieter

Advestra advised Zürch­er Kan­ton­al­bank as agent and lender and the oth­er syn­dic­ate banks as lenders on the CHF 250,000,000 cred­it facil­ity provided to Rieter Hold­ing Ltd, lis­ted at the SIX Swiss Exchange and the world’s lead­ing sup­pli­er of sys­tems for man­u­fac­tur­ing yarn from staple fibers in spin­ning mills. The facil­ity com­pre­hens­ively refin­anced the exist­ing bilat­er­al facilities.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to the bank­ing syn­dic­ate in the trans­ac­tion. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen and Alex­an­der Fisch (both Fin­an­cing) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).