
Advestra advises UBS Switzerland AG and the other members of the banking syndicate on the EUR 200 million financing of Swixx Biopharma’s acquisition of Laboratorios Biopas

Advestra advised UBS Switzer­land AG as man­dated lead arranger, coordin­at­or, agent, secur­ity agent and lender togeth­er with the oth­er syn­dic­ate banks as lenders on the EUR 200 mil­lion cred­it facil­it­ies provided to Swixx Bio­pharma AG, one of the fast­est-grow­ing, largest, inde­pend­ent, inter­con­tin­ent­al com­mer­cial plat­forms for the bio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al industry, for the acquis­i­tion of Labor­ator­i­os Biopas.

Advestra acted as lead leg­al coun­sel to the bank­ing syn­dic­ate in the trans­ac­tion. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Annina Ham­mer, Alex­an­der Fisch and Mar­tina Giac­ometti (all Fin­an­cing) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).