
Advestra advises eMolecules Inc. and Avista Healthcare Partners on the acquisition of Synple Chem AG

eMolecules Inc., a port­fo­lio com­pany of Avista Health­care Part­ners, has acquired all shares in Synple Chem AG.

eMolecules is a pro­vider of a lead­ing chem­istry search-and-ful­fill­ment plat­form for early drug dis­cov­ery research. Avista Health­care is a New York-based private equity firm with over $8 bil­lion inves­ted in more than 45 growth-ori­ented health­care busi­nesses globally.

Synple Chem AG was foun­ded in 2016 in Zurich as an ETH spin-off and is act­ive in the field of auto­mated chem­ic­al syn­thes­is sys­tems and solu­tions for small molecules drug dis­cov­ery customers.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to eMolecules Inc. in this trans­ac­tion. The team included Andreas Hin­sen, Beau Vis­s­er, Luca Schmid and Mar­tina Giac­ometti (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).