
Advestra advises Swiss Re on the sale of iptiQ's European Property and Casualty insurance business to Allianz Direct

Swiss Re has agreed to sell iptiQ’s European Prop­erty and Cas­u­alty (P&C) busi­ness to Alli­anz Dir­ect. As part of the trans­ac­tion, Alli­anz Dir­ect will acquire the Lux­em­bourg-based risk car­ri­er, more than 100 employ­ees in sev­er­al jur­is­dic­tions and all B2B2C dis­tri­bu­tion agree­ments. The trans­ac­tion is sub­ject to reg­u­lat­ory approvals and is expec­ted to close in the second or third quarter of 2025.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Swiss Re. The team included Sandro Fehl­mann (Cor­por­ate | M&A and Reg­u­lat­ory), Thomas Reut­ter, Angelika Kre­mer, Anna Capaul, Valérie Bayard, Mil­an Schéda und Dary­ana Maurer (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).