
Advestra advises Breitling on the acquisition of Gallet

In a sig­ni­fic­ant step for the brand, Breitling has announced the acquis­i­tion of Gal­let. This marks Breitling’s second acquis­i­tion of a not­able brand – with the 2023 pur­chase of Uni­ver­sal Genève – and rep­res­ents a fur­ther expan­sion of its influ­ence in the lux­ury watch sec­tor. With a leg­acy of pre­ci­sion time­keep­ing for early long-dis­tance travel, explor­a­tion, and adven­ture, Gal­let will now be posi­tioned as a lux­ury, entry-level sib­ling brand to Breitling.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Breitling in this trans­ac­tion. The team included Beda Kaufmann, Fabi­an Wild, Anna Capaul and Roland Truffer (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).