
Advestra advises medermis clinics on its strategic partnership with Hautwerk

The medermis clin­ics Group strengthens its pres­ence in Switzer­land with the acquis­i­tion of a major­ity stake in Haut­werk AG (Zurich). Haut­werk AG is one of the largest spe­cial­ist clin­ics for der­ma­to­logy and laser medi­cine in Ger­man-speak­ing Switzer­land, with an academy for laser medicine.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to medermis clin­ics in this trans­ac­tion. The team included Beda Kaufmann, Gök­tuğ Gür­büz, Fabi­an Loretan, Anna Capaul and Lina Eis­en­hut (all Cor­por­ate | M&A).