Jan-Nicklas Bentz

Associate | Attorney at law

Jan-Nick­las Bentz advises cli­ents on fin­an­cing, cap­it­al mar­ket and M&A trans­ac­tions, as well as on gen­er­al cor­por­ate law matters.

One focus of his prac­tice is advising domest­ic and for­eign private and lis­ted com­pan­ies as well as investors on mer­gers and acquis­i­tions, invest­ments, joint ven­tures, and oth­er M&A transactions. 

Fur­ther­more, Jan-Nick­las reg­u­larly advises cli­ents on fin­an­cing trans­ac­tions and assists fin­an­cial ser­vice pro­viders in com­ply­ing with their reg­u­lat­ory obligations.