
Advestra advises J.P. Morgan and the other syndicate banks on Molecular Partners AG’s initial public offering in the United States and its listing on NASDAQ

Advestra advised the bank­ing syn­dic­ate on Molecu­lar Part­ners AG’s Ini­tial Pub­lic Offer­ing in the United States and its list­ing on NAS­DAQ rais­ing gross pro­ceeds of approx­im­ately USD 63.8 m. Molecu­lar Part­ners AG is a clin­ic­al-stage biotech com­pany devel­op­ing a new class of cus­tom-built pro­tein drugs known as DARPin® thera­peut­ics. As part of this trans­ac­tion Molecu­lar Part­ners offered 3,000,000 Amer­ic­an Depos­it­ary Shares in the United States at a pub­lic offer­ing price of USD 21.25 per ADS. Each ADS rep­res­ents one new ordin­ary share issued by Molecu­lar Part­ners out of its author­ized share cap­it­al. Molecu­lar Part­ner­’s ordin­ary shares con­tin­ue to be lis­ted and traded on SIX Swiss Exchange.

J.P. Mor­gan, SVB Leerink and Cowen acted as joint book-run­ning man­agers for the offer­ing. RBC Cap­it­al Mar­kets acted as the book­run­ner, Kem­pen & Co as the lead man­ager for the offering.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to the bank­ing syn­dic­ate. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Thomas Reut­ter and Fabi­an Loretan (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) and Laurent Ried­weg (Tax).