
Advestra advises a group of finance parties on the refinancing of certain debt and on the provision of USD 400 million in new capital for Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated

Advestra advised a group of fin­ance parties as to mat­ters of Swiss law on the refin­an­cing of cer­tain debt and on the pro­vi­sion of USD 400 mil­lion in new cap­it­al for Diebold Nix­dorf, Incor­por­ated. These trans­ac­tions include the com­ple­tion of Diebold Nix­dor­f’s pre­vi­ously announced exchange offer and con­sent soli­cit­a­tion with respect to its out­stand­ing 8.50% Seni­or Notes due 2024 and the com­ple­tion of its pre­vi­ously announced exchange offers and con­sent soli­cit­a­tions with respect to its out­stand­ing 9.375% Seni­or Secured Notes due 2025 and Diebold Nix­dorf Dutch Hold­ing B.V.‘s 9.000% Seni­or Secured Notes due 2025.

Diebold Nix­dorf auto­mates, digit­izes and trans­forms the way people bank and shop. As a part­ner to the major­ity of the world’s top 100 fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions and top 25 glob­al retail­ers, its integ­rated solu­tions con­nect digit­al and phys­ic­al chan­nels con­veni­ently, securely and effi­ciently for mil­lions of con­sumers each day. The com­pany has a pres­ence in more than 100 coun­tries with approx­im­ately 22,000 employ­ees worldwide.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to the group of fin­ance parties. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen and Anna Capaul (both Fin­an­cing) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax). Ashurst acted as lead coun­sel to the group of fin­ance parties with respect to the European and UK leg­al aspects of the transactions.