
Advestra advises Goldman Sachs and UBS on the placement of CHF 200m convertible bonds due 2029 and the public repurchase offer for outstanding convertible bonds due 2025 of DocMorris

Doc­Mor­ris (former Zur Rose Group) suc­cess­fully placed CHF 200 mil­lion seni­or unse­cured guar­an­teed con­vert­ible bonds due 2029. The bonds were issued by a Dutch sub­si­di­ary and guar­an­teed by Doc­Mor­ris AG. The con­vert­ible bonds are con­vert­ible into shares of Doc­Mor­ris AG. The pro­ceeds of the con­vert­ible bonds will primar­ily be used to refin­ance the out­stand­ing CHF 122 mil­lion con­vert­ible bonds due 2025. For this pur­pose, Doc­Mor­ris announced a pub­lic repur­chase offer for the exist­ing con­vert­ible bonds.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to Gold­man Sachs and UBS. The team included Sandro Fehl­mann, Thomas Reut­ter, Valérie Bayard, Sandro Bojic, Gök­tuğ Gür­büz and Mil­an Schéda (all Cap­it­al Markets).