
Advestra advises the initial purchasers and RCF lenders on the financing of the acquisition of SO.MA.CI.S. by Bain Capital and of AT&S Korea by SO.MA.CI.S.

Advestra advised the ini­tial pur­chasers in con­nec­tion with the offer­ing of EUR 550 mil­lion seni­or secured float­ing rate notes due 2031 by an affil­i­ate of Bain Cap­it­al for pur­poses of fin­an­cing (i) Bain Capital’s acquis­i­tion of SO.MA.CI.S. and (ii) SO.MA.CI.S.’ acquis­i­tion of AT&S Korea. Advestra also rep­res­en­ted the lenders on a EUR 100 mil­lion super seni­or revolving cred­it facil­ity with respect to Swiss law.

The ini­tial pur­chasers included Mor­gan Stan­ley & Co. Inter­na­tion­al plc, BofA Secur­it­ies Europe SA, Crédit Agri­cole Cor­por­ate and Invest­ment Bank, Nomura Fin­an­cial Products Europe GmbH and UBS Europe SE.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to the lenders and ini­tial pur­chasers. The team included Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Mar­iëlle van Nim­we­gen and Alex­an­der Fisch as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).