
Advestra advises Barry Callebaut on the placement of EUR-Bonds in the amount of EUR 1.75 billion

Fol­low­ing the suc­cess­ful place­ment of CHF bonds in Janu­ary 2025, Barry Cal­le­baut again suc­cess­fully placed EUR 1.75 bil­lion bonds. The bonds were issued in two tranches. The first tranche in the aggreg­ate prin­cip­al amount of EUR 900 mil­lion car­ries a coupon of 3.75% and is due in 2028. The second tranche in the aggreg­ate prin­cip­al amount of EUR 850 mil­lion has a coupon of 4.25% and will mature in 2031. Both tranches were issued by Barry Cal­le­baut Ser­vices NV and guar­an­teed by Barry Cal­le­baut AG.

ING Bank N.V., Coöper­at­ive Rabobank U.A., Société Générale and UBS AG, Lon­don Branch acted as Joint Lead Man­agers in this transaction.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to Barry Cal­le­baut in this trans­ac­tion. The team included Annette Weber, Thomas Reut­ter, Mar­iëlle van Nim­we­gen and Beau Vis­s­er (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).