
Advestra advises SIG Group on the placement of EUR Bonds in the amount of EUR 625 million

SIG Group suc­cess­fully placed EUR 625 mil­lion EUR-bonds. The bonds were issued by SIG Com­bib­loc Pur­chaseCo S.à.r.l. and guar­an­teed by SIG Group AG. The bonds have a coupon of 3.750% and will mature in 2030. BNP PARI­BAS and BofA Secur­it­ies acted as Joint Glob­al Co-ordin­at­ors and Crédit Agri­cole CIB, Coöper­at­ive Rabobank U.A., UBS Invest­ment Bank and Uni­Cred­it acted as Act­ive Book­run­ners in this transaction.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to SIG Group in this trans­ac­tion. The team included Annette Weber, Sandro Fehl­mann, Mar­iëlle van Nim­we­gen, Valérie Bayard and Jill Iten (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).