Daniel Raun, LL.M.
Partner | Attorney at law
T. +41 58 510 92 99 | +41 79 282 97 74
Daniel Raun’s practice focuses on M&A and other corporate transactions. He regularly advises corporate clients, private equity and venture capital firms as well as family offices and entrepreneurs on domestic and cross-border acquisitions, joint ventures and carve-out transactions.
Daniel also has extensive experience in corporate and securities laws and corporate governance matters. He regularly advises clients on matters of executive compensation, management participation, equity and other compensation schemes, with a particular focus on publicly traded companies.
In addition, Daniel has represented banks and issuers on IPOs, rights offering, spin-offs and other equity and debt capital market transactions.
Daniel is ranked by Chambers Global and Legal500 for Corporate/M&A. Expert Guides list Daniel as a rising star for Corporate/M&A/Private Equity.
Daniel is a member of the editorial staff of CapLaw (www.caplaw.ch).
- Advising LPSO Holding on the public tender offer for Orascom Development Holding
- Advising SGS on the acquisition of CertX
- Advising funds affiliated with Perceptive Advisors on the acquisition of a portfolio of preclinical assets and launch of Neurosterix
- Advising Catalyst Pharmaceuticals on license to vamorolone and equity investment in Santhera Pharmaceuticals
- Advising Ironwood Pharmaceuticals on its public tender offer for VectivBio
- Advising Orascom Development Holding on its rights offering
- Advising Andermatt Swiss Alps on investment by Vail Resorts
- Advising Körber on the acquisition of Siemens Logistics' mail and parcel business
- Advising Zurich Insurance Company on its strategic investments in CARIFY and brokerbusiness.ch
- Advising ABB on its strategic investment in Sevensense Robotics
- Advising One Equity Partners on the acquisition of a major stake in Cicor Technologies
- Partner at Advestra (since 2021)
- Partner (2019 – 2020), associate (2011 – 2018) and junior associate (2008 – 2009) at Bär & Karrer
- University of New South Wales, Sydney: LL.M. (2013)
- Admitted to the bar of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (2010)
- University of Basel: lic. iur. (2008)
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Member of the editorial staff of CapLaw (www.caplaw.ch)
- UNSW Alumni
- Investing In... 2024, Switzerland Chapter, Chambers Global Practice Guide (with Alexander von Jeinsen, Beda Kaufmann and Laurent Riedweg)
- Management Transactions: Revised SIX Rules Enterinto Effect, CapLaw No.1/2024 (with Patrick Schärli)
- Trends of the 2023 AGM Season, CapLaw No. 2/2023 (with Thomas Reutter / Philippe Weber)
- First Trends of the 2023 AGM Season, CapLaw No. 1/2023 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Investing In... 2023, Switzerland Chapter, Chambers Global Practice Guide (with Alexander von Jeinsen, Beda Kaufmann and Laurent Riedweg)
- Switzerland: Trends & Developments in Corporate M&A, Chambers Corporate M&A 2022 Global Practice Guide (with Rashid Bahar)
- M&A in Switzerland; IFLR, M&A Report 2022 (with Beda Kaufmann)
- Fusionen von Publikumsgesellschaften, Lecture at the LL.M./CAS M&A and Corporate Law Program, University of Zurich (since 2019)
- Switzerland: Trends & Developments in Corporate M&A, Chambers Corporate M&A 2021 Global Practice Guide (with Rashid Bahar)
- Spin-offs, Kapitalmarktrecht - Recht und Transaktionen XVI (Event organization: Europa Institut at the University of Zurich), 11 November 2020, Zurich
- Changes for Listed Companies under the Corporate Law Reform: Gender Quotas and Say-on-Pay, CapLaw, No. 5/2020 (with Annette Weber)
- Switzerland: Corporate Governance, The Legal 500 & The In-House Lawyer, Comparative Legal Guide, 2019 and 2020 (with Urs Kägi and Annina Hammer)
- Compensation in the context of M&A: key issues and how to avoid the pitfalls, Event with ACC Association of Corporate Counsel, 15 January 2020, Zurich (with Thomas Stoltz and Ruth Bloch-Riemer)
- Equity raises for listed companies in financial distress, IFLR Magazine February/March 2019 (with Alexander von Jeinsen)
- M&A in Switzerland, IFLR, M&A Report 2019 (with Philippe Seiler)
- Insider Trading and Market Manipulation in Tokens, CapLaw, 4/2018 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Strukturierungsvarianten internationaler Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse, Guest Lecture HSG (organized by University of St. Gallen), 18 March 2015, St. Gallen (with Thomas Reutter)
- Prohibited Compensation Payments under the Minder Ordinance (VegüV), CapLaw 1/2014 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Alternatives and Trends on the Binding Vote on "Say on pay", CapLaw 1/2014 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Kommentierung von Art. 11 und 12, in: Watter/Vogt/Bauer (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Bankengesetz, volume 2, 2013, p. 441 ff. (with Thomas Reutter)
- Update: Revision of Banking Act in Light of "Too Big to Fail"- the Swiss Parliament's View, CapLaw, 5/2011 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Contingent Capital, bedingtes Kapital und Wandlungskapital, in: Thomas U. Reutter/Thomas Werlen (eds.), Kapitalmarkttransaktionen VI, Zurich 2011, p. 25 ff. (with Thomas Reutter)
- When Is a Concurrent Tender Offer a Competing Tender Offer?, CapLaw, 4/2011 (with Thomas Reutter)
- Option Transactions of Swiss Companies in Respect of Own Shares, CapLaw 3/2009 (with Roland Truffer)
- German
- English
- All Swiss courts
- Advestra advises Xylem Inc. on the acquisition of Heusser Water Solutions AG
- Advestra advises the founders of Supercar Owners Circle on its acquisition by duPont REGISTRY Group LLC
- Advestra advises LPSO Holding on the public tender offer for Orascom Development Holding
- Advestra advises SGS on the acquisition of CertX
- Advestra advises ENR Russia Invest SA on the public tender offer of its majority shareholder Valartis
- Advestra advises Bregal on the acquisition of Communardo Group
- Advestra advises Verium on its investment in Lynus
- Advestra advises funds affiliated with Perceptive Advisors on the launch of Neurosterix
- Advestra advises KPIT on its strategic investment in AirConsole
- Advestra advises Andermatt Swiss Alps on its refinancing