Laurent Riedweg, LL.M.

Tax Partner | Attorney at law I Swiss Certified Tax Expert
T. +41 44 244 06 65 | +41 79 416 18 90

Laurent Ried­weg advises cor­por­ate cli­ents as well as private cli­ents in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al tax matters.

He provides ongo­ing tax sup­port to nation­al and multi-nation­al com­pan­ies and devel­ops tax solu­tions, in par­tic­u­lar, related to reor­gan­iz­a­tions (mer­gers, demer­gers, asset/​business trans­fers), mer­gers and acquis­i­tions, struc­tur­ing of cap­it­al mar­ket trans­ac­tions as well as tax compliance.

Fur­ther, he advises entre­pren­eurs, exec­ut­ives and private cli­ents in com­plex tax issues and per­son­al tax planning.

Laurent Ried­weg is a Swiss cer­ti­fied tax expert and attor­ney-at-law. Legal500 includes him in its rank­ings in recog­ni­tion of his work.