Beda Kaufmann

Partner | Attorney at law
T. +41 58 510 92 87 | +41 76 471 79 41

Beda Kaufman­n’s prac­tice focuses on M&A trans­ac­tions. He also advises cli­ents on cor­por­ate law (includ­ing cor­por­ate gov­ernance) and gen­er­al com­mer­cial law matters.

Private equity and ven­ture cap­it­al firms as well as fam­ily offices and oth­er investors retain Beda for his advice on inter­na­tion­al and domest­ic private M&A trans­ac­tions, invest­ments and joint ven­tures in vari­ous indus­tries. Beda also fre­quently advises for­eign and domest­ic private and pub­lic com­pan­ies on acquis­i­tions and dis­pos­als (includ­ing asset deals) and oth­er M&A transactions.

He has extens­ive exper­i­ence in share­hold­er agree­ments as well as man­age­ment par­ti­cip­a­tion and incent­ive plans. In addi­tion, Beda advises on a broad spec­trum of cor­por­ate law top­ics, includ­ing cor­por­ate gov­ernance, restruc­tur­ings and all ques­tions related to rais­ing cap­it­al. Cli­ents also appre­ci­ate Beda’s expert­ise in gen­er­al com­mer­cial law mat­ters, which he has gained inter alia in his pre­vi­ous role as inhouse coun­sel in the fin­an­cial sector.

Legal500 recom­mends Beda Kaufmann for com­mer­cial, cor­por­ate and M&A. Expert Guides list him among the Rising Stars for
Corporate/M&A/Private Equity.