Dr. Alexander von Jeinsen, LL.M.

Partner | Attorney at law (Switzerland & Germany)
B.A. in Economics
T. +41 58 510 92 92 | +41 79 294 63 18

Alex­an­der von Jein­sen’s broad prac­tice cov­ers cap­it­al mar­kets and fin­an­cing trans­ac­tions, M&A trans­ac­tions, and restructurings.

He has an extens­ive expert­ise in advising banks, com­pan­ies and investors on com­plex and innov­at­ive equity cap­it­al mar­kets trans­ac­tions such as IPOs, cap­it­al increases and sec­ond­ary share place­ments. In addi­tion, he is fre­quently retained to advise on debt and hybrid cap­it­al mar­kets instru­ments, includ­ing high yield bonds, as well as on the cap­it­al mar­kets aspects of using DLT technologies.

Fur­ther­more, Alex­an­der reg­u­larly advises on a broad range of debt fin­an­cing trans­ac­tions, includ­ing syn­dic­ated cred­it agree­ments, Schuld­schein­dar­le­hen, mezzan­ine loans and cash pool­ing arrange­ments. He has vast exper­i­ence in advising on struc­tured fin­an­cings, in par­tic­u­lar com­plex acquis­i­tion and pro­ject financings.

Advising on M&A trans­ac­tion, par­tic­u­larly invest­ments by private equity investors and in a cross-bor­der con­text, is anoth­er of Alex­an­der­’s key competences.

In restruc­tur­ings, Alex­an­der­’s work includes advising on res­cue cap­it­al increases by lis­ted com­pan­ies as well as restruc­tur­ings of cred­it agree­ments, bonds and oth­er fin­an­cing instru­ments.
Alex­an­der fre­quently pub­lishes art­icles in his area of expert­ise and is repeatedly invited to speak on these topics.

Alex­an­der von Jein­sen is ranked by Cham­bers for his work in cap­it­al mar­kets; IFLR 1000 and Expert Guides fea­ture him as a rising star in the cap­it­al mar­kets field. Legal500 rank him among the next gen­er­a­tion part­ners for both bank­ing & fin­ance and cap­it­al markets.